Music For You. Cover Page.

Music For You.

My final version of the music magazine called “ Music for you”. I created it in InDesign, I like this program, although it is not as good and functional as Photoshop but it is simpler for me to use it.

This is my final cover page, which I feel is quite successful. I have used many standard forms and conventions to make my document look professional.

Firstly, there is the headings and sob-headings with a font which I downloaded from the website

Secondly, there is the image of the teen, which refers to the young audience. I decided to place this image here for quite a few reasons. One of those is because this page is normally looked at first so by placing a strong close up image, it is much more likely to attract their attention and make them want to read the article. I made many decisions when photographing this particular model. Firstly, I made her look into out of the camera. This was because users would be attracted to it, because she is kind of mysterious, but also because she looks extremely youthful and stylish. The colours of the articles  are bright. If the entire magazine is in full colour, this feature will stand out and make people stop to read it

Lastly, I put the ISBN so the magazine looked like professional.

The original photo.

My first draft.

~ by dianasarkova on December 17, 2009.

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